CIP VI Archives | Coller Capital

J C Flowers

In July 2016, CIP VI and CIP VII committed $288m to a GP-led transaction: a liquidity offer made to J C Flowers investors.

Irving Place Capital

In July 2015, CIP VI was the lead investor in a transaction, committing $645m, which allowed Irving Place Capital to reposition its 2006-vintage fund and establish a new investment vehicle.

Monte dei Paschi di Siena

In September 2014, CIP VI acquired a €175m funds & directs portfolio from a leading Italian bank, Monte dei Paschi di Siena.

American Capital

In May 2014, CIP VI was a leading member of an investor group which established American Capital’s third private equity fund, that consisted of seven companies from previous funds and capital for new investments.


In December 2013, CIP VI was part of a syndicate which purchased the interests of Absa Capital Private Equity Funds I from Barclays Africa Group.

Lloyds Banking Group

In August 2012, CIP VI agreed to fund the acquisition of a $1.9bn private equity portfolio from Lloyds Banking Group.

Crédit Agricole

In December 2011, CIP VI acquired 100% of Crédit Agricole Private Equity (CAPE) and the majority of the underlying funds that CAPE manages.

Lloyds Banking Group

In July 2010, CIP VI, formed a joint venture with Lloyds Banking Group to acquire a £480m portfolio from the bank.

Pearl Diver Capital

In November 2008, the first commitment  was made to a series of CLO porfolios across CIP V, CIP VI and CIP VII funds.